Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers in Dover, DE
Delaware Guidance Services Dover Branch
Delaware Guidance Services Dover Branch is an alcohol and drug rehab facility based at 103 Mont Blanc Boulevard in Dover, DE.
Psychotherapeutic Services Adult/Children Family Support Program
Psychotherapeutic Services Adult/Children Family Support Program is an alcohol and drug rehab facility based at 630 West Division Street in Dover, DE.
Catholic Charities Inc
Catholic Charities Inc is an alcohol and drug rehab facility based at 2099 South DuPont Highway in Dover, DE.
Anew Mental Health
Anew Mental Health is an alcohol and drug rehab facility based at 1001 South Bradfort Street in Dover, DE.
Serenity Place
Serenity Place is an alcohol and drug rehab facility based at 327 Martin Street in Dover, DE.
Open Door Inc
Open Door Inc is an alcohol and drug rehab facility based at 1151 Walker Road in Dover, DE.
Kent Sussex Community Services
Kent Sussex Community Services is an alcohol and drug rehab facility based at 1241 College Park Drive in Dover, DE.
Connections CSP Inc Dover
Connections CSP Inc Dover is an alcohol and drug rehab facility based at 1114 South DuPont Highway in Dover, DE.
Mind and Body Consortium LLC
Mind and Body Consortium LLC is an alcohol and drug rehab facility based at 156 South State Street in Dover, DE.
Dover Behavioral Health
Dover Behavioral Health is an alcohol and drug rehab facility based at 725 Horsepond Road in Dover, DE.
We can help you find the right treatment facility that best fits your overall needs and financial requirements.