Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers in Lebanon, TN
Recovery Services
Recovery Services is a drug and alcohol rehab based at 1649 F Mursreesboro Road in Lebanon, Tennessee.
Cumberland Mental Health Services Inc Alcohol and Drug Program
Cumberland Mental Health Services Inc Alcohol and Drug Program is a drug and alcohol rehab based at 1404 Winter Drive in Lebanon, Tennessee.
Ameri Kare Mental Health Agency
Ameri Kare Mental Health Agency is a drug and alcohol rehab based at 200 Signature Place in Lebanon, Tennessee.
Lebanon Academy
Lebanon Academy is a drug and alcohol rehab based at 3065 Murfreesboro Road in Lebanon, Tennessee.
Tennova Healthcare Lebanon McFarland Campus
Tennova Healthcare Lebanon McFarland Campus is a drug and alcohol rehab based at 500 Park Avenue in Lebanon, Tennessee.
LifeCare Family Services Lebanon
LifeCare Family Services Lebanon is a drug and alcohol rehab based at 1420 West Baddour Parkway in Lebanon, Tennessee.
Volunteer BH Care Systems Cumberland Mental Health Services
Volunteer BH Care Systems Cumberland Mental Health Services is a drug and alcohol rehab based at 1404 Winter Drive in Lebanon, Tennessee.
We can help you find the right treatment facility that best fits your overall needs and financial requirements.