Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers in Lexington, NC

Daymark Recovery Services Davidson Center

Daymark Recovery Services Davidson Center is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program found at 220 East 1st Avenue Extension in Lexington, North Carolina.

Family Services of Davidson Cnty Inc

Family Services of Davidson Cnty Inc is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program found at 1303 Greensboro Street Extension in Lexington, North Carolina.


Monarch is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program found at 820 Grimes Boulevard in Lexington, North Carolina.

Path of Hope Inc

Path of Hope Inc is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program found at 1675 East Center Street in Lexington, North Carolina.

Lexington Treatment Associates

Lexington Treatment Associates is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program found at 310 Murphy Drive in Lexington, North Carolina.

Four Directions Counseling and Recovery Center

Four Directions Counseling and Recovery Center is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program found at 9 West 3rd Street in Lexington, North Carolina.

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