Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers in Rochester, MN

Odyssey Program Common Ground

Odyssey Program Common Ground is a drug and alcohol rehab center located at 101 4th Street SE in Rochester, Minnesota.

Fountain Centers in Rochester

Fountain Centers in Rochester is a drug and alcohol rehab center located at 4122 18th Avenue NW in Rochester, Minnesota.

Common Ground

Common Ground is a drug and alcohol rehab center located at 1027 7th Street NW in Rochester, Minnesota.


Gables is a drug and alcohol rehab center located at 604 5th Street SW in Rochester, Minnesota.

Rochester Metro Treatment Center

Rochester Metro Treatment Center is a drug and alcohol rehab center located at 2360 North Broadway in Rochester, Minnesota.

Pathway House Mens Program

Pathway House Mens Program is a drug and alcohol rehab center located at 613 2nd Street SW in Rochester, Minnesota.

Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge

Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge is a drug and alcohol rehab center located at 1530 Assisi Drive NW in Rochester, Minnesota.

EmPower CTC

EmPower CTC is a drug and alcohol rehab center located at 602 11th Avenue NW in Rochester, Minnesota.

Mayo Foundation Addiction Services

Mayo Foundation Addiction Services is a drug and alcohol rehab center located at 1216 2nd Street SW in Rochester, Minnesota.

CBHH Rochester

CBHH Rochester is a drug and alcohol rehab center located at 251 Woodlake Drive SE in Rochester, Minnesota.

Family and Childrens Center Rochester Campus

Family and Childrens Center Rochester Campus is a drug and alcohol rehab center located at 2118 Campus Drive SE in Rochester, Minnesota.

Zumbro Valley Health Center

Zumbro Valley Health Center is a drug and alcohol rehab center located at 343 Wood Lake Drive SE in Rochester, Minnesota.

Zumbro Valley Health Center Crisis Receiving Unit/Detox

Zumbro Valley Health Center Crisis Receiving Unit/Detox is a drug and alcohol rehab center located at 343 Wood Lake Drive SE in Rochester, Minnesota.

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