Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers in Somerville, NJ
High Focus Centers
High Focus Centers is an addiction treatment center based at 3322 Route 22 West in Somerville, NJ.
Samaritan Homeless Interim Program
Samaritan Homeless Interim Program is an addiction treatment center based at 87 East High Street in Somerville, NJ.
Guided Life Structures
Guided Life Structures is an addiction treatment center based at 75 Veterans Memorial Drive East in Somerville, NJ.
Somerset Treatment Services
Somerset Treatment Services is an addiction treatment center based at 118 West End Avenue in Somerville, NJ.
JFS of Somerset Hunterdon and Warren Counties
JFS of Somerset Hunterdon and Warren Counties is an addiction treatment center based at 150 West High Street in Somerville, NJ.
Robert Wood Johnson University Hosp Behavioral Health Services
Robert Wood Johnson University Hosp Behavioral Health Services is an addiction treatment center based at 110 Rehill Avenue in Somerville, NJ.
We can help you find the right treatment facility that best fits your overall needs and financial requirements.