Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers in Temple, TX
Scott and White Alcohol and Drug Dependence Treatment Program
Scott and White Alcohol and Drug Dependence Treatment Program is located in Temple, Texas - (2401 South 31st Street 76508).
Christian Farms Treehouse Inc
Christian Farms Treehouse Inc is located in Temple, Texas - (3804 Riverside Trail 76502).
Central Texas VA Healthcare Services Temple Substance Abuse Trt/Employ Prog
Central Texas VA Healthcare Services Temple Substance Abuse Trt/Employ Prog is located in Temple, Texas - (1901 Veterans Memorial Drive 76504).
Central Texas VA Healthcare System Olin E Teague VA Center
Central Texas VA Healthcare System Olin E Teague VA Center is located in Temple, Texas - (1901 South 1st Street 76504).
Scott and White Memorial Hospital Outpatient Behavioral Health
Scott and White Memorial Hospital Outpatient Behavioral Health is located in Temple, Texas - (2401 South 31st Street 76508).
Ready To Get Help?
We can help you find the right treatment facility that best fits your overall needs and financial requirements.